
rsstodolist is a service that provides a simple way to create RSS feeds by sending URL to a feed.

That service is public and « open », meaning anyone knowing your feed name may see, add or remove your items.

Also, that service is hosted via hobby plan on with some limitations.

So, for more reliability and privacy, I strongly suggest you to self-host that application (see related projects below).

Access a feed

You can add limit (or l) parameter to fetch from 1 to 500 items (default is 25 items).

add or delete an item by form

⚠️ On public instance, « somename » feed is limited to wikipedia pages to limit spam.

Use Firefox addon and Chrome extension

A Firefox addon and Chrome extension are available to add or remove an item in a feed.

Add or delete an item by URL /add?name=somename&url= /del?name=somename&url=

title and description parameters are required. Title will be set from web page title but you can define one by using title parameter. You can also set a description with description parameter.

All parameters can be minified : n for name, u for url, t for title and d for description.

Use a bookmarklet

You can use a bookmarklet. Create a new bookmarkl and paste the following code in the URL field : javascript:var rss=prompt('RSS feed name ?');var r=new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',''+rss+'&url='+encodeURIComponent(window.location),true);r.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','text/plain;charset=UTF-8');r.onreadystatechange=function(){if(r.readyState==4){alert("Request sent : "+(r.status===200)+" ("+r.status+")");}};r.send(null); Clicking on that bookmark will add current page to the RSS feed.


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